
Copywriting / Content Marketing
Blog Posts / Pillar Posts
Why have a blog? A blog is a great way to tell your story while consistently providing valuable information about your products and services to your prospects and customers.
What is a pillar post? A pillar post is a type of blog post that takes things a step further and digs deeper, informing and engaging your customers, showing them that you are an expert in your field.
How Giving Back Comes Back to You, 7 Tips for Becoming a Successful Mentor, The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Content Marketer (Pillar Post),
Email / Email Newsletters
Use the most common and popular way to guide your customers through the funnel to a successful purchase, email.
Email newsletters are a great way to provide customers with valuable information about your business. Inform and keep in touch with your customers, or use them as an additional form of income for you or your business.
What is Content Marketing? (Newsletter), Need Basil for Your Pasta?, DeepKlean Carpet & Upholstery
Direct Response / Direct Mail
Direct Mail (or snail mail) is alive and well. The rumors that say otherwise just aren’t true.
Direct mail is still a highly effective way to create engagement with your prospects, taking them along the buyer’s journey all the way through until they buy your product.
Health Supplement Sales Letter, Subscription Letter, Project Announcement Postcard
Press Releases
Use press releases to announce your new product. Get the word out about the new project your company is working on, and use the press release to bring customers back to your website. I can show you how it works.
Sand Straw – Reusable Drinking Straws, North Embarcadero Visionary Plan – Project Announcement
Case Studies / Project Descriptions
Let me help you showcase your latest project or customer story. Case studies are a marketing tool that can be used to promote your client success stories in a number of ways.
Hershey’s Kitchen Project Description, Lincoln Park Zoo Project Description, USS Constitution Project Description

Additional Services
Everyone needs a second (or sometimes third) pair of eyes. I can help you by proofreading any content, documents or books that you already have to make sure that your copy is clean and ready for posting or publishing.
Proofreading services involve checking content for spelling, proper grammar, and punctuation. It does not include re-writes or editing. It is great for when you feel comfortable with your own long form copy, but you want to make sure that all of your i’s are dotted and your t’s are crossed (literally).
I use the Chicago Manual of Style and the AP Style Guide. I can use whatever style guide is appropriate for your content and documents.